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Reading with Magnifying Glass

About Us


Many varied experiences are presented in group and individual activities because of the differing levels of maturity and nature of young children.

Jesus Time

We introduce the most basic doctrines of the Christian faith and apply these concepts to the day to day lives of young children.  The children will see many instances in which Jesus showed His great love for people.  They'll learn about prayer and worship and hear about God's care fro their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

Music and Movement

The child will develop motor perception, tactile and sensory motor integration through a variety of activities in action songs, rhythm through music, exploring musical instruments, group games and gross motor activities.

Social Studies

Include: families, positive self concept, holidays, community helpers and relationships.


We encourage the child to satisfy their curiosity by investigation and learning about themselves and the world around them.  Topics included: senses, health, nutrition, water, color, seasons, weather, plant growth, animals and insects.

Language Arts and Literary Skills

Our program helps prepare a child for speaking, listening, reading, and writing by letter and sound recognition, printing, recognizing name and books: listening to, making our own and acting out.


We provide the child the opportunities for self expression using a variety of media methods and tools including paper, crayons, a variety of paints, glue, scissors, play dough and environmental objects.


Activities are presented through individual and group to help children develop logical thinking.  These include: matching, 

coating, sets, recognizing shapes, sorting, classifying and patterning.

What we have in        our program

Large Gross Motor Room
Music and Movement Room
Snack/Skills/Story Room
Free Choice Room
Covered Play area
Play Ground

Separate age classes 3 & 4's and 4 & 5's

Field trips for the 4 & 5's class
Cooking with 4 & 5's
2 Programs with the 4 & 5's
Enhancement Class for 4 & 5's
Outdoor class for 4 & 5's
Lunch Bunch for the 4 & 5's

Tot Time ( for caregiver & tot ages 12 months.-3Years)
Lil' Roos Zumbini Class. (A music and movement class for ages 0-5 for caregiver and child.)

Mini Summer Camps. ages 3-5
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